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4.5.1 Forecast possible realizations of the underlying asset $ \spadesuit$

[ SLIDE scheme - initialization - code - run || VIDEO modem - LAN - DSL]

From the definition of stochastic increments in sect.3.3.1, it is easy to propose an approximation for the uncertain evolution of the underlying asset price $ S$ , using a finite number of steps in time $ \Delta t$ , which result in correspondingly small increments in the price $ \Delta S$

$\displaystyle \frac{\Delta S}{S^\kappa} = \mu \Delta t +\sigma \zeta \sqrt{\Delta t}$ (4.5.1#eq.1)

As previously, $ (\mu,\sigma)$ are the drift and the volatility measured from the market, $ \zeta\in\mathcal{N}(0,1)$ is a normally distributed random number generated anew for each step and the parameter $ \kappa$ is chosen to reproduce a normal walk with $ \kappa=0$ or a log-normal walk with $ \kappa=1$ .
Starting from (k=0,...,numberOfRealisations-1) samples modeling each one possible evolution of the asset (currentState[k][0]) and an equal number of markers (mark[k][0]) to account for barriers in exotic options, the initialization in has been implemented as
    numberOfRealisations = runData.getParamValueInt("Walkers");
    strike  = runData.getParamValue("StrikePrice");
    kappa   = runData.getParamValue("LogNkappa");
    if( (Math.abs(kappa)<0.001) ||(Math.abs(kappa-1.)<0.001)){
      currentState = new double[numberOfRealisations][1];
      for (k=0; k<numberOfRealisations; k++) currentState[k][0]=strike;
        mark = new double[numberOfRealisations][1];
        for (k=0; k<numberOfRealisations; k++) mark[k][0]=0.;
      } else if (scheme.equals(vmarket.MCOUT)||scheme.equals(vmarket.MCOUTPP)){
        mark = new double[numberOfRealisations][1];
        for (k=0; k<numberOfRealisations; k++) mark[k][0]=1.; }
If the parameter kappa is sufficiently close to log-/normal with $ \kappa\simeq$ 0 or 1, the first four lines initialize the array currentState[k][0] with numberOfRealisations samples of one single price stored in a one dimensional array with an idle index [0]; the entire array is (arbitrarily or, rather, for plotting) initialized with the strike price currentState[k][0]=strike. The value of the selector scheme decides if the modeling of an in-/out-barrier option with-/out particle plotting requires the creation of an additional marker array mark[k][0], which has to be initialized with the corresponding behavior. Not shown in the code above but visible in the VMARKET listing, is that a parameter kappa sufficiently different from zero or one can be used to initialize a two dimensional array currentState[k][j] with j=0,..., mesh.size()-1 different prices; these are evolved in parallel if the problem is not separable-e.g. when the increments depend in a non-trivial manner on the asset price.
Starting from an initial value, possible future realizations of the asset prices are calculated with a sequence of small steps in time using (4.5.1#eq.1); in the case of a log-normal random walk ($ \kappa=1$ ), new values for currentState[k][0] are calculated in repeating for each step
    double timeStep = runData.getParamValue("TimeStep");
    double strike   = runData.getParamValue("StrikePrice");
    double mu       = runData.getParamValue("Drift");
    double divid    = runData.getParamValue("Dividend");
    double sigma    = runData.getParamValue("Volatility");
    double barrier  = runData.getParamValue("Barrier");

    if(Math.abs(kappa-1.)<0.001){               //Separable log-normal
      for(int k=0; k<numberOfRealisations; k++)
        currentState[k][0]+= currentState[k][0]*( (mu-divid)*timeStep +
                random.nextGaussian()*sigma*Math.sqrt(timeStep) );

      if (scheme.equals(vmarket.MCOUT) || scheme.equals(vmarket.MCOUTPP)){
        for(int k=0; k<numberOfRealisations; k++)
          if ((barrier >= 0. && currentState[k][0]-strike > strike*barrier)||
              (barrier <  0. && currentState[k][0]-strike < strike*barrier)  ) 
      } else if (scheme.equals(vmarket.MCIN) || scheme.equals(vmarket.MCINPP)){
        for(int k=0; k<numberOfRealisations; k++)
          if ((barrier >= 0. && currentState[k][0]-strike > strike*barrier)||
              (barrier <  0. && currentState[k][0]-strike < strike*barrier)  ) 
The first four lines compute the deterministic (mu-divid)*timeStep and the random component random.nextGaussian()*sigma*Math.sqrt(timeStep) of the evolution, which are easily identified as the right-hand side of (4.5.1#eq.1). Further scaling by the underlying asset price currentState[k][0] reproduces the log-normal distribution of the increments, which are finally accumulated with the Java operator currentState[k][0]+=increment. The variable mark[k][0] is reset to zero (alt. one) whenever the condition for an ``out-'' (alt. ``in-'') barrier is met for a given sample. Note that the position of the barrier is here defined relative to the initial condition, using a positive (alt. negative) value of the variable barrier to distinguish a barrier above (alt. below) the initial price of the underlying. This relative definition is here required to keep the problem separable, so that the evolution of any price $ S_j$ can be obtained from the same sequence of increments $ \Delta S_0$ normalized to $ S_0=K$ using the scaling

$\displaystyle \Delta S_j = \frac{S_j}{S_0} \Delta S_0$ (4.5.1#eq.2)

These values need in fact not to be evaluated until the expected values of the derivatives are calculated from the underlying in a manner described in the comming section.
Using a finite time step in (4.5.1#eq.1) is of course an approximation of the stochastic differential (3.3.1#eq.1); great care has to be taken to keep the steps small enough not to create, for example, negative asset prices when $ \vert\mu\vert\Delta t$ or $ \vert\sigma\vert\sqrt{\Delta t}$ exceed unity in a log-normal walk. For the record, note that the stochastic differential (assuming $ \sqrt{dt}\rightarrow 0$ ) is not an exact model neither, since a finite number of trades sets a lower limit on the duration between trades on the markets. The VMARKET applet below illustrates some effects of the time discretization for the case of an down-and-in barrier put option.
VMARKET applet:  press Start/Stop to count the number of prices that hit the in-barrier and change color with an increasing value of the time step until this becomes unrealistically large.


Virtual market experiments: Monte-Carlo random walk
  1. Increase the value of the TimeStep parameters to create spurious negative asset values with a bad numerical approximation of a log-normal random walk.
  2. Choose the largest TimeStep that you believe gives a financially significant result; justify your choice.
  3. Switch to a normal evolution by setting LogNkappa=0 and discuss what is now the upper limit for the time step.

Having dealt with the simulation of the underlying asset price, we now turn to the valuation of derivatives.

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