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6.2.2 Solution of the variational inequality using finite elements $ \spadesuit $

[ SLIDE complementary problem - scheme 2 || same VIDEO as previous section: modem - LAN - DSL]

To satisfy the Black-Scholes and the free-boundary inequalities simultaneously, we follow the same method that is generally used when dealing with obstacle problems. Both inequalities are first cast into a complementary problem

$\displaystyle (u-c)\left( \frac{\partial u}{\partial \tau} -\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\right) \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.1)

which has to be satisfied subject the free-boundary condition $ (u-c)\ge 0$ . Following the spirit of sect.5.3 and using Galerkin's method to solve an equivalent variational principle, choose a test function $ v$ that is ``sufficiently general'' and satisfies the same constraints as the solution $ u$ . By construction, this satisfies the inequality

$\displaystyle (v-c)\left( \frac{\partial u}{\partial \tau} -\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\right) \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.2)

Integrate both inequalities over the domain $ \Omega=[r_-;r_+]$ where a solution is sought and subtract (6.2.2#eq.1) from (6.2.2#eq.2) to formulate an equivalent variational principle

$\displaystyle \int_{x_-}^{x_+} dx \; (v-u)\left( \frac{\partial u}{\partial \tau} -\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}\right) \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.3)

This now depends only implicitly on the condition ($ u\ge c$ ) through the choice of the test function. Integrate by parts the second order derivative with a vanishing surface term

$\displaystyle \int_{x_-}^{x_+} dx \; \left[ (v-u) \frac{\partial u}{\partial \t...
...\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right)\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \right] \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.4)

Decompose the solution and test functions in a series of finite element roof-tops

$\displaystyle u(x)=\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} u_j e_j(x), \qquad v(x)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} v_i e_i(x)$ (6.2.2#eq.5)

$\displaystyle \int_{x_-}^{x_+} dx \; \left[ \left(\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (v_i-u_i) e_...
...rime(x) \right) \left(\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} (u_i e_j^\prime(x) \right) \right] \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.6)

Using the notation for the overlap integrals in (5.3.1#eq.10), this yields the inequality

$\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} (v_i-u_i) \left[ \frac{\partial u_j}{\partial \tau} <e_i\vert e_j> +u_i <e_i^\prime\vert e_j^\prime> \right] \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.7)

Discretize time with small steps using a forward difference for the first term and a partly implicit evaluation for the second, writing $ u=\theta u^{\tau+\Delta \tau} + \bar{\theta} u^\tau$ and $ \theta=1-\bar{\theta}\in[1/2; 1]$

$\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} (v_i-u_i^{\tau+\Delta\tau}) \lef...
...t e_j^\prime> +\bar{\theta} u_i^\tau <e_i^\prime\vert e_j^\prime> \right] \ge 0$ (6.2.2#eq.8)

which finally yields
$\displaystyle \sum_{i=0}^{n-1}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} (v_i-u_i^{\tau+\Delta\tau}) \times
$\displaystyle \left(
\left[<e_i\vert e_j> +\Delta\tau\theta<e_i^\prime\vert e_j...
...Delta\tau\bar{\theta}<e_i^\prime\vert e_j^\prime>\right]
\right) \ge 0$      

and remains subject to the free-boundary condition $ (u-c)\ge 0$ . As for obstacle problems in general, it is possible to show that both conditions can only be satisfied if the inequality (6.2.2#eq.9) satisfies the equality
$\displaystyle \sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\left(
\left[<e_i\vert e_j> +\Delta\tau\theta<e_i...
... -\Delta\tau\bar{\theta}<e_i^\prime\vert e_j^\prime>\right]
u_j^\tau\right) = 0$      
$\displaystyle \forall i=1,...,n \qquad\qquad$     (6.2.2#eq.9)

where the solution satisfies the free-boundary condition $ (u-c)\ge 0$ . The problem is finally solved using an iterative method called projected successive over-relaxation (SSOR), where the solution is sucessively improved from an initial guess-in a manner that guarantees that the free-boundary condition $ (u-c)\ge 0$ is always satisfied. Note the strong resemblance with the finite element scheme for European options, which uses exactly the same matrices. The European and American problems are therefore conveniently implemented into the same program, changing only the boundary conditions and the SSOR solver to account for the different exercise styles. Using the same header and footer as in sect.4.4.2 to transform between financial and log-normal variables, the entire scheme has been implemented in as
                                                       //--- CONSTRUCT MATRICES
      BandMatrix a = new BandMatrix(3, f.length);      // Linear problem
      BandMatrix b = new BandMatrix(3, f.length);      //  a*fp=b*f=c
      double[]   c = new double[f.length];
      double htm = dxk*(1-tune)/4;                     // Quadrature coeff
      double htp = dxk*(1+tune)/4;
      double halpha = dtau/dxk;                        // PDE coefficient
      for (int i=0; i<=n; i++) {
        a.setL(i,   htm -halpha* theta    );
        a.setD(i,2*(htp +halpha* theta   ));
        a.setR(i,   htm -halpha* theta    );
        b.setL(i,   htm -halpha*(theta-1) );
        b.setD(i,2*(htp +halpha*(theta-1)));
        b.setR(i,   htm -halpha*(theta-1) );
      a.setL(0,0.);a.setD(0,1.);a.setR(0,0.);c[0]=0;   // First equation idle

                                                       //--- BC + SOLVE
      if (scheme.equals(vmarket.EUNORM)) {             // European option
        a.setL(1, 0.);a.setD(1,1.);a.setR(1,0.);       //   in-money: Dirichlet
        a.setL(n,-1.);a.setD(n,1.);a.setR(n,0.);c[n]=0.; // out-money: Neuman
        f=a.ssor3(c,fm);                               // conventional-SSOR

      } else if (scheme.equals(vmarket.AMNORM)) {      // American option
        double[] min = new double[f.length];           // Obstacle
        double[] max = new double[f.length];
        for (int i=0; i<=n; i++) { 
          min[i]=Math.exp((0.25*k2m1*k2m1 +k1)*tau) *
                 Math.max(0., Math.exp(0.5*k2m1*xk) -
                              Math.exp(0.5*k2p1*xk)  );
          fm[i]=Math.max(min[i],f[i]);                 //   IC interp error
        a.setL(1, 0.);a.setD(1,1.);a.setR(1,0.);       // In-money: Dirichlet
        a.setL(n,-1.);a.setD(n,1.);a.setR(n,0.);c[n]=0.; //out-money: Neuman 
        double precision = strike*Math.pow(10.,-6);      // strike
        int maxIter = 30;
        double w = 1.2;                                // relaxation parameter
        f=a.ssor3(c,fm,min,max,precision,w,maxIter);   // projected-SSOR
The code has intentionally been restricted for the case of American put options, leaving the complete implementation with call options to the reader (exercise 6.06). Note that the terminal and boundary conditions have been specified here in log-normal variables (4.4.2#eq.4), using the same definitions as for the finite differences in sect.4.4.2
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