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9.3 VMarket parameters and preset in HTML

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* Problem defining selectors.

The selectors appear on the top of VMARKET plot window and allow you to define the type of problem you want to solve. Careful, white spaces here do count!

* Editable run parameters.

The following list of parameters are first preset to default values, then modified according to the TAG parameters (below) and can be modified at run time by double-clicking the name appearing on the left of the applet: Only the parameters specified in the applet TAG are initially displayed; switch from Double-click below: to Show all parameters to get a complete list

* Applet TAG modifiers.

The VMARKET applet is included an HTML document with a specific header: the first couple of lines specify the path name of the executable, the position and the size of the window where the applet will appear. The TAG modifiers that follow defines the list of parameters that will be displayed and attributes default values when the applet is first initialized
<applet codebase="$user_dir/applet/" code=$applet 
        align=center width=780 height=420>
       <param name=topic               value="Exercise">
       <param name=scheme              value="Exercise 4.07">
       <param name=ic                  value="Put">
       <param name=method              value="FinDifferen">
       <param name=RunTime             value= 0.5>
       <param name=Drift               value= 0.>
       <param name=Volatility          value= 0.4>
       <param name=LogNkappa           value= 1.>
       <param name=SpotRate            value= 0.1>
       <param name=Dividend            value= 0.>
       <param name=StrikePrice         value= 10.>
       <param name=Barrier             value= 0.>
       <param name=MktPriceRsk         value= 0.>
       <param name=MeanRevTarg         value= 0.05>
       <param name=MeanRevVelo         value= 0.>
       <param name=Shape0              value= 1.>
       <param name=Shape1              value= 0.001>
       <param name=Shape2              value=-0.05>
       <param name=MeshLeft            value= 0.>
       <param name=MeshLength          value= 20.>
       <param name=MeshPoints          value= 21>
       <param name=Walkers             value= 300>
       <param name=TimeStep            value= 0.00397>
       <param name=TimeTheta           value= 0.7>
       <param name=TuneQuad            value= 0.333>
       <param name=UserInteger         value= 0>
       <param name=UserDouble          value= 0.>
These parameters can always be recovered simply by refreshing the webpage.

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